Mumps is a systemic febrile infection
Date: 3 سال قبل
author: AmirAbad
Mumps Virus
Clinical Manifestations
Mumps is a systemic febrile infection of children and
young adults. Swelling of the salivary glands, especially the parotid glands,
is characteristic; meningitis is common; and pancreatitis, encephalitis, and
hearing loss may occur. In young adults, orchitis or oophoritis is not
Classification and Antigenic Type
The single serotype of mumps virus shares antigens with
parainfluenza viruses, particularly type 1.
The virus is spread in droplets. Primary infection
consists of viremia and involvement of glandular and nervous tissue, resulting
in inflammation and cell death.
Host Defenses
Interferon and other initial defenses are followed by
specific cellular and humoral immune responses, which confer lifelong immunity.
Mumps is found worldwide. Without extensive vaccination
it is endemic in cities with epidemic variations in 2 to 3 years intervals. In
rural areas it is intermittent, reappearing there every 5 to 7 years, and may
reach epidemic proportions. In temperate climates, the incidence peaks from
January to May.
In typical cases, the clinical picture is diagnostic.
Atypical cases are diagnosed by isolating the virus in cell culture, or by
detecting viral antigen or RNA, and most easily by detecting specific IgM in
the first serum sample soon after onset of symptoms or by a rise of IgG
Vaccination with live attenuated mumps virus vaccine
gives long-lasting immunity, but reinfection may occur.
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